Saturday, July 25, 2020

From the Experts Why Employment Branding Is So Important - Workology

From the Experts Why Employment Branding Is So Important - Workology Why is employment branding important? Five thousand people from across the globe signed up to watch the live stream. In a hotel conference room overlooking San Francisco, there were more than 100 recruitment marketing and talent acquisition professionals. For what? The inaugural Glassdoor Employment Branding Summit featuring many of the 2013 social recruiting Talent Warriors and industry thought leaders. In case you had meetings to attend or candidates to interview, here’s what you missed. Why is employment branding important? Kicking off the event, keynote speaker and Glassdoor CEO, Robert Hohman, passionately talked to the audience about his view on the importance of employer branding and the world of work. “As a world, we have shifted away from a lever-based society to a world that is fueled by skilled workers doing knowledge work. The thing that is new is that you can hire 10 amazing people and they can each have a dramatically disproportionate effect on your company.” Employment branding is what helps companies stand out from their competition to attract top talent and dissuade those individuals who are not a fit.  A survey conducted by Glassdoor found that 94% of job seekers want to hear about what makes the company unique or special, and that 84% of people would change jobs if the new employer had a significantly better employer brand. That’s why it is important. That’s why we’re seeing more companies create positions within their Communications, Marketing or Human Resources departments dedicated to employment branding. And why 39% of recruiting executives are focused on building an effective employer brand, according to a study conducted by CEB. The talent acquisition leadership team from Sodexo even referred to their strong employer brand as their “secret sauce.” The world has become more transparent. If I had a nickel for each time the word “transparent” was used during the summit, I would have at least an extra fifty bucks in my wallet this morning. It was a clear theme throughout the conference. But why? According to Glassdoor, as well as research conducted by the advisory firm that I work for, people want information about companies and expect transparency. There is a great benefit to a great employer brand and giving people an inside view into what life and work is like within your company. It allows them to decide if your organization is right for them and influences whether or not they apply. “Employee engagement is your brand.” So how can an organization create an employer brand that is as irresistible cupcakes? As someone who cannot turn down a cupcakeâ€"chocolate, vanilla or otherwiseâ€"here are some takeaways from the session led by  Josh Bersin. Allowing employees to add their “self” to work is a key to creating engagement and offering meaningful work. People need time to slack in order to be more engaged and productive. (Foosball anyone?) Recognition in the form of consistent small thank yous will make your workforce better. Great brands give you access to great talent. Investing in your employment brand will help you attract and retain top talent within your geographies and talent segments. The key is to “shine a light on what is already there,” advised Stacy Zapar, who is currently doing some very cool work with Zappos and Restoration Hardware. The goal is to find your unique value and tell that story so that the right people apply. Learn more about employment branding. There was a lot of information  and expert advice shared during the Summit.  Search Twitter using #GDSummit. And, I am sure that Glassdoor for Employers will be sharing more information, so why not follow their page on Facebook!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Why Google Videos For YouTube Resume Writing Is Important

Why Google Videos For YouTube Resume Writing Is ImportantThe importance of Google videos for YouTube resume writing can be quite obvious to many. This is because in video form, you can display the same information in a more clear manner and thus, will allow you to get more views and that is all a resume is in this case.The benefit is that you can now upload your resume on the Google dashboard, which in turn, will become searchable. Therefore, with Google videos for YouTube resume writing, you get all the benefits of resume writing for the web, along with the best chances of getting hired with a headcount that is still more than what you may have expected.The approach that Google has taken when it comes to resume writing is quite ingenious and is based on the fact that everyone now surfs the web to look for anything and everything. What you need to do is develop a profile that represents yourself the best. In this respect, the Google videos for YouTube resume writing will be of immens e help.It also helps that you get the right knowledge about your skills so that you don't go wrong when making a resume. The videos are educational and therefore, once you have created your profile in the first place, you will not feel any sense of disappointment when applying for jobs online.In fact, you will be surprised that you are receiving many responses to your resume and there is no way that you will be left out. It is quite incredible how many people seek the help of Google videos for YouTube resume writing.There are some things that you should always remember when it comes to Google videos for YouTube resume writing. The main point that you should remember is that the most important thing that you should include is the objective statement, which must provide you with a basic concept of the things that you want to achieve in life.Now, you might be wondering why this statement is important and what you should write next, but as you see, this is the most vital part of your re sume writer and it will define how you view yourself. Therefore, you should always look for the basics in your Google videos for YouTube resume writing.If you can put this basic knowledge, you will always be on the right track and you will never forget that you are the resume writer and that you are the one who gets called upon to deliver your resume. Therefore, the Google videos for YouTube resume writing are a must for anyone to give their best shot.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Seeking Training- Part 1

Looking for Training-Part 1 This week I referenced the lessening in organization preparing financial plans in one of my posts. The resultWE need to seek after our very own and expert turn of events. So effortlessly said. Where do you go for preparing? Before you get disappointed or abandon this activity, lets make a stride back. What is the preparation you are looking for? Lets take a gander at the entire picture and not simply the quick need. Preparing is definitely not a convenient solution. It ought to be procedure of learning and improvement. Start with an evaluation of where your abilities are. At that point take a gander at which ones you need to create. This is a model of general workforce skills from the Department of Labor. It is a strong rundown. The DOL has a site loaded up with explicit industry skills, so visit their site here. Level 3 capabilities: Cooperation Versatility/Flexibility Client Focus Arranging Organizing Innovative Thinking Critical thinking Decision Making Working with Tools Technology Working environment Computer Applications Planning Coordinating Checking, Examining Recording Business Fundamentals Presently, where do you rank and where do you need or need to be? Would you be able to state Gap Analysis? With this data close by, you can start to build up your own learning plan. It will give you a thought of what kind of preparing and advancement to search for just as organize. Envision really making this hole examination and acquiring it to a gathering with your administrator? Alright, not every person ought to or could. In any case, it will give you the rationale to fabricate a case for seeking after preparing that may require the money related help of your organization. You could utilize the discoveries from your hole examination and plan to network to discover preparing assets. Envision asking a partner where you may discover assets for creating imaginative reasoning. Have they perused any great books, gone to any classes or seen any online classes on the point? Another extremely accommodating asset for making your own preparation plan in ONet Skills Search. Particularly in the event that you are considering changing vocations or enterprises or both. It maps out the abilities required for several occupations. Keep in mind, Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to perceive, comprehend and express feelings and sentiments The capacity to oversee and control sentiments The capacity to produce constructive outcomes and act naturally propelled The capacity to see how others feel and to identify with them The capacity to oversee change, adjust and take care of issues of an individual what's more, relational nature Additionally recall Resiliency.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

School leaver cover letter template

School leaver cover letter template by Michael Cheary Looking for help to make your CV shine? We’ve got you covered…You spent hours crafting your first professional CV. Now it’s time to take care of the cover letter. Don’t think you have to include one? Think again.Even if it’s not required by the recruiter, a well-written cover letter can be the difference between standing out from the crowd and fading into an ever-growing pile of applications. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make the most of the extra opportunity.We’ve already covered how to write a cover letter, but if you’re worried that you’re lacking the experience to make it work for you, here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for recent school leavers:Just here for the template? Click the link below: School Leaver Cover Letter Template Email address: Please enter a valid email addressmessage here By clicking Submit, you accept our Terms & Conditions and consent to receive emails and career related topics. See our Privacy policy for details. Continue without submitting Download School Leaver Cover Letter TemplateOpening the letterWith the opening, keep it short and simple. Highlight the role you’re applying for, and where you found the vacancy.Feel free to mention the website by name (e.g. as advertised on or, if someone referred you to the contact, this is the right place to name-drop them.Example: I wish to apply for the role of Apprentice Engineer, currently being advertised on Please find enclosed my CV for your consideration.Second paragraph Why are you suitable for the job?Briefly describe any qualifications which you believe are most suitable to the job at hand.These could include GCSE’s, A-levels, for example, and any other qualification you may have attained. If you haven’t had your exam results confirmed yet, stating your projected grades will be acceptable.Example: As you can see from my attached CV, I have recently completed my A-levels, earning an A and a B in Physics and Mathematics respectively, which I believe I can put to practical use in this role. Third/Fourth paragraph â€" What can you do for the company?Use practical examples to demonstrate what you could do for the company if you were to be hired. These might be performance based (i.e. from previous positions), but will most likely be focussed on your academic career.Be as specific as possible. Include any extra details or modules studied which you feel may be of particular interest. And if you feel there are any extra-curricular activities you’ve undertaken which may help to reinforce your skills, your cover letter is the perfect place to bring them up.Examples to use in this section could include books you’ve read around the subject, seminars you’ve attended, or any volunteer or work experience positions you’ve taken to help build the foundations for your career.Example:This position particularly interests me because of my passion for Mechanics. During my studies, my coursework focussed on X, which helped build my knowledge around the subject.I further added to my interest in this field independently. For example, recently I completed two weeks work experience with a leading oil and gas company, which helped me expand upon, and start practically applying, what I’ve learned in my studies.Fifth paragraph â€" ReiterateHere’s where you reiterate your interest in the role and reinforce what makes you the perfect candidate.If you’re running out of adjectives, or feel like you’re not sure which skills are most relevant, here’s a clue â€" use the job description. This will undoubtedly include a list of preferred characteristics, giving you a great idea just what the perfect candidate should look like.Example: I see the role of Apprentice Engineer as the perfect position for me to make the most of my passion and enthusiasm, and also build the foundations for a successful career in the Mechanical Engineering industry. Despite my limited work experience, I believe my eagerness to learn, coupled with my hard-work and dedication, will help Engineering Company LTD build upon their reputation as one of the most respected infrastructure providers in the UK.Closing the letterThank the employer for their time, and sign off your cover letter with ‘Yours sincerely’ (if you know the name of the hiring manager)/’Yours faithfully’ (if you do not), and your name.Example: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. Yours sincerely, [Your name] Final thoughtsRemember: Just as with our standard free  cover letter template, this is a template, not a ready-made cover letter. The success of any cover letter takes time â€" and should be tailored to the role with the right amount of research. No exceptions.That also means that, unlike a CV, a new cover letter should be written each ti me you apply for a job. It may seem like a laborious process, but trust us, it’ll be well worth it.In fact, four out of ten recruiters we surveyed indicated that they wouldn’t even look at your application without a cover letter. So don’t rule yourself out of a role simply because it requires a little more effort to do things properly.Still searching for your perfect position? Have a look at all of our current vacancies now