Friday, May 29, 2020

Brandon Uttley Open Source Job Search #brilliant

Brandon Uttley Open Source Job Search #brilliant A couple of weeks ago I got the first email of what I think will be a short, successful job search campaign from Brandon Uttley. Brandon was at a presentation I did in Charlotte, North Carolina a couple of years ago. Charlotte was one of my favorite trips a delightful town, delightful culture, and really nice/cool people. Enter Brandons Open Source Job Search newsletter (for lack of a better word). You can see it in its entirety here.  Heres my play-by-play breakdown: 1. Tells you what it is and piqued my curiosity since I have never heard of an open source job search. 2. Can you help?  ASK, people, ASK!  If you dont ask, people might not catch that you hope for their help! 3.  In my email browser I didnt open images, so it looked funky.  Always provide this option (usually the newsletter software does this automatically).  It points to this page. 4. In this image its clear what Brandon does, loves, specializes in and is looking for.  Clear and concise. 1. Big news?  I want to know about your big news  Curiosity-piquing 2. Again, ask for help! Make it clear this is not just an email with information, but a request. 3. This makes me feel special Im among the first to know?  Cool now I think you value our relationship.  Make me feel special. 4. Again, again, again ASK FOR HELP! 1. In case you forgot, or never really knew, this is who I am and what Im looking for.  The are industry or profession keywords that are critical. Assume people know about you, professionally, and you could be very wrong.  Make it clear what they should think about you. 2. This reminded me a bit of objective statements on a resume, which are outdated but I think its highly appropriate for this email.  If asking for help and introductions and leads it makes sense to let me know what you want (full-time, not moving, etc.). 1. What?  This isnt one-sided, ask-only?  You are going to help me?  Nice ! 2. This entire email has an honest (aka, authentic) taste to it.  Keep it real, no fluff just like our relationship, and I appreciate that. 3. Notice the multiple ways you can contact me, or learn more about me.  Scrolling down (which I dont have a screenshot of) shows even more places youll find him, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 4. He is going to share his industry expertise?  Cool, Ill be sure to read. 5. Great addition of the photo many will remember you but some might need the visual reminder. Again, keeping it honest.  I like that you share issues that others might bring up address them head-on. This is really helpful to the reader, who is likely in their own transition, or thinking about one. Getting this industry-leader input is really valuable for my own career, and I appreciate this GIVE tactic. Can you do this?  Yes, definitely.  This might be too long, or too much, but remember, Brandon is a social media expert, and I would EXPECT him to do this.  This series of newsletters (Ive already gotten the second one) is essentially his PORTFOLIO.  How better to show your grasp on all-things-social than to do something this classy and complete? One last thing Brandon says this strategy was inspired by DJ Waldow, who did this same kind of thing (check out the video on that post) and later heres his results. Brandon Uttley Open Source Job Search #brilliant A couple of weeks ago I got the first email of what I think will be a short, successful job search campaign from Brandon Uttley. Brandon was at a presentation I did in Charlotte, North Carolina a couple of years ago. Charlotte was one of my favorite trips a delightful town, delightful culture, and really nice/cool people. Enter Brandons Open Source Job Search newsletter (for lack of a better word). You can see it in its entirety here.  Heres my play-by-play breakdown: 1. Tells you what it is and piqued my curiosity since I have never heard of an open source job search. 2. Can you help?  ASK, people, ASK!  If you dont ask, people might not catch that you hope for their help! 3.  In my email browser I didnt open images, so it looked funky.  Always provide this option (usually the newsletter software does this automatically).  It points to this page. 4. In this image its clear what Brandon does, loves, specializes in and is looking for.  Clear and concise. 1. Big news?  I want to know about your big news  Curiosity-piquing 2. Again, ask for help! Make it clear this is not just an email with information, but a request. 3. This makes me feel special Im among the first to know?  Cool now I think you value our relationship.  Make me feel special. 4. Again, again, again ASK FOR HELP! 1. In case you forgot, or never really knew, this is who I am and what Im looking for.  The are industry or profession keywords that are critical. Assume people know about you, professionally, and you could be very wrong.  Make it clear what they should think about you. 2. This reminded me a bit of objective statements on a resume, which are outdated but I think its highly appropriate for this email.  If asking for help and introductions and leads it makes sense to let me know what you want (full-time, not moving, etc.). 1. What?  This isnt one-sided, ask-only?  You are going to help me?  Nice ! 2. This entire email has an honest (aka, authentic) taste to it.  Keep it real, no fluff just like our relationship, and I appreciate that. 3. Notice the multiple ways you can contact me, or learn more about me.  Scrolling down (which I dont have a screenshot of) shows even more places youll find him, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 4. He is going to share his industry expertise?  Cool, Ill be sure to read. 5. Great addition of the photo many will remember you but some might need the visual reminder. Again, keeping it honest.  I like that you share issues that others might bring up address them head-on. This is really helpful to the reader, who is likely in their own transition, or thinking about one. Getting this industry-leader input is really valuable for my own career, and I appreciate this GIVE tactic. Can you do this?  Yes, definitely.  This might be too long, or too much, but remember, Brandon is a social media expert, and I would EXPECT him to do this.  This series of newsletters (Ive already gotten the second one) is essentially his PORTFOLIO.  How better to show your grasp on all-things-social than to do something this classy and complete? One last thing Brandon says this strategy was inspired by DJ Waldow, who did this same kind of thing (check out the video on that post) and later heres his results. Brandon Uttley Open Source Job Search #brilliant A couple of weeks ago I got the first email of what I think will be a short, successful job search campaign from Brandon Uttley. Brandon was at a presentation I did in Charlotte, North Carolina a couple of years ago. Charlotte was one of my favorite trips a delightful town, delightful culture, and really nice/cool people. Enter Brandons Open Source Job Search newsletter (for lack of a better word). You can see it in its entirety here.  Heres my play-by-play breakdown: 1. Tells you what it is and piqued my curiosity since I have never heard of an open source job search. 2. Can you help?  ASK, people, ASK!  If you dont ask, people might not catch that you hope for their help! 3.  In my email browser I didnt open images, so it looked funky.  Always provide this option (usually the newsletter software does this automatically).  It points to this page. 4. In this image its clear what Brandon does, loves, specializes in and is looking for.  Clear and concise. 1. Big news?  I want to know about your big news  Curiosity-piquing 2. Again, ask for help! Make it clear this is not just an email with information, but a request. 3. This makes me feel special Im among the first to know?  Cool now I think you value our relationship.  Make me feel special. 4. Again, again, again ASK FOR HELP! 1. In case you forgot, or never really knew, this is who I am and what Im looking for.  The are industry or profession keywords that are critical. Assume people know about you, professionally, and you could be very wrong.  Make it clear what they should think about you. 2. This reminded me a bit of objective statements on a resume, which are outdated but I think its highly appropriate for this email.  If asking for help and introductions and leads it makes sense to let me know what you want (full-time, not moving, etc.). 1. What?  This isnt one-sided, ask-only?  You are going to help me?  Nice ! 2. This entire email has an honest (aka, authentic) taste to it.  Keep it real, no fluff just like our relationship, and I appreciate that. 3. Notice the multiple ways you can contact me, or learn more about me.  Scrolling down (which I dont have a screenshot of) shows even more places youll find him, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 4. He is going to share his industry expertise?  Cool, Ill be sure to read. 5. Great addition of the photo many will remember you but some might need the visual reminder. Again, keeping it honest.  I like that you share issues that others might bring up address them head-on. This is really helpful to the reader, who is likely in their own transition, or thinking about one. Getting this industry-leader input is really valuable for my own career, and I appreciate this GIVE tactic. Can you do this?  Yes, definitely.  This might be too long, or too much, but remember, Brandon is a social media expert, and I would EXPECT him to do this.  This series of newsletters (Ive already gotten the second one) is essentially his PORTFOLIO.  How better to show your grasp on all-things-social than to do something this classy and complete? One last thing Brandon says this strategy was inspired by DJ Waldow, who did this same kind of thing (check out the video on that post) and later heres his results.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

16 Common Networking Mistakes That Can Derail Your Career

16 Common Networking Mistakes That Can Derail Your Career Networking is a skill that can help you develop and build long-lasting business and social relationships. As with most skills, networking can be done well â€" and it can be done poorly, perhaps to the detriment of your career. Here are the 16 most common networking mistakes to avoid: 1. You Think You Dont Know Anyone. You are connected to far more people than you realize. Take 10 minutes and write a list of past and current work colleagues, industry contacts, friends, family and social acquaintances, and you will likely surprise yourself. Store these names in a file and add to it as you meet new people. Once a month, go through your list and call at least one person and email three. The key is to stay in touch. Find out what’s new with them personally or professionally, react to news in your industry or set up a lunch. Put a note in your files to remind yourself what you talked about. Now check out some social media sites, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, which are both powerful gateways to contacts and can further expand your network. If you have a blog or homepage, check out who’s been corresponding with you lately. Twitter can be another useful social networking vehicle. You must reach out to new people to build your network. Continuously reach out to new people and you’ll see a mother lode of networking possibilities grow. 2. Waiting For a Reason to Network. A network is a social and business resource that must be cultivated and nurtured over time. Your network supports and sustains you in the good times, but is the key to your survival in the bad times. Too often, people start networking only after they need something. Imagine a friend or relative who only calls when he needs money. Do you take his call? Do you look forward to hearing from him? Effective networking means creating contacts and relationships now. Dig your well before you’re thirsty as Harvey Mackay says. 3. Failing to Create a Networking Script. Avoid fumbling and stammering for the right words by practicing what you’re going to say about yourself, your job or another topic of interest in a networking situation. Practice it. Practice smiling as you say it so people get a sense of excitement and energy about you. Then spend some time thinking about questions that might come upand how to respond. Whether you are calling someone or talking in person, consider what it is that you want and what you can realistically expect from the person. Think about the purpose of your conversation â€" is it to find out information or to seek further contacts? Being clear about what you want will be a more effective use of everyone’s time and will create a better impression than a rambling speech. Be aware that they may not be in a position to do much, so be gracious if all they can offer are ideas, advice or their experience. Requesting a job isnt appropriate at this stage and may result in you losing the contact. For networking emails, be personable and upbeat, but make sure your tone is appropriate to the person you are contacting â€" dont go into networking mode if you are just reaching out to an old friend, for example. 4. Being Unprepared. Thinking you know what you want is not the same as knowing it. Treat networking the same way you would an appearance at Carnegie Hall. Practice your pitch as well as your answers to questions that might arise. Knowing what you want to get out of a conversation will make the best use of everyone’s time. Do you want a new job? Do you want to make sales contacts? Do you want to find a candidate for your next upcoming project? Do you need some information about a competitor? If so, are you seeking something specific, or will any information do? If you don’t know what you’re after, you’ll either embarrass yourself or walk away having accomplished nothing. Doing your homework and planning ahead will help you avoid the mistake of arriving unprepared. If you’re meeting with someone or attending an event you should know why you are going and the types of people who will be there. Research specific contacts who may be there and prepare some conversation topics ahead of time. Keep in mind that having a little bit of background knowledge about the people attending will make starting a conversation much easier. 5. Talking Too Much About Yourself. Face it: nobody is that interesting. When networking, you need to listen to what everyone else is saying. People help by offering advice, and they are not interested in hearing how much you already know. While a big part of networking is marketing yourself, it’s important to know where to draw the line. Give others some room to get a word in. Prompt them to tell you a little bit about themselves. This way, not only will they feel like they are actually part of the conversation, but you’ll learn a little bit about them. And the more you know about them, the more you’ll know what they can do for you and even â€" brace yourself â€" what you can do for them. 6. Monopolizing Someones Time. At a networking event, everyone wants to mingle and meet a number of different people. So, although making a connection with someone and getting into an interesting and animated discussion can be a great experience, conversations with people at networking events should be kept short and sweet. To give others the best chance of connecting with the maximum amount of useful contacts, try to spend no more than five minutes with each individual. If you’re networking over the phone or by email, remember that the person you’re speaking with has a life that extends beyond you and your needs and interests. A good rule of thumb is that if they are carrying less than half of the conversation, it’s time to move on. 7. Lack of Etiquette. Etiquette â€" good or bad â€" can extend from table manners to punctuality to your approach to social networking. And if you think people don’t notice, you’re wrong. Committing this type of blunder is self-destructive, so mind your manners! There are a number of things that violate networking etiquette: Showing up late. Interrupting people when they are talking. Talking for an extended period of time about yourself. Not asking other people who they are and what they do. Barging into a group when it is clear that they do not want to be disturbed. Blatantly looking for the next person to talk to. Drinking too much. Talking with your mouth full. Not keeping your emails and your social media profiles professional. Sharing a person’s contact information without their permission. (This is a huge “no” that will quickly land you a top spot on the blacklist. Always check with people first, even if you’re doing them a favor.) 8. Forgetting To Bring Business Cards. In one of his books, Jeffrey Gitomer argues that the main purpose of a business card is to get the other person’s card. When you hand people a card, they usually want to do the same. The key is getting their card so you can respond after the meeting with a note that connects you and the conversation you’ve had. Always carry business cards with you, especially if you’re attending a networking event. It appears unprofessional to give out your contact information on a scrap piece of paper or napkin. Doing so may discourage a contact from getting in touch with you in the future. Your business cards should be printed on quality material and you should give them out generously. The more cards you have circulating at any given time the more likely they will be useful. 9. Using an Unprofessional Email Name. Your friends may know you as “Daddys1Girl,” “HotStud4U,” “Cougarlady,” or “RumAndCoke47,” but when you’re building a network, use a serious email address, one preferably with your real name. And when you use this email address, make sure you have a complete signature at the bottom. Make it easy for people to remember you and contact you later. Your email, LinkedIn profile and standard messaging are key parts of your brand. Consider getting your own web site and using your email as the address. You can do this for the cost of one business book and it’s another way to expand your brand. 10. Forgetting that You Only Have One Chance to Make a First Impression. Dress sharply when you go to an event where you’ll have the opportunity to network. Give firm handshakes, stand up straight, make good eye contact, repeat names back to the owners, and show respect to everyone in the room. Never say anything negative about any person, event, company, or organization, regardless of your personal views. Remember that a networking event can be like a first interview for your next job, but no one will help you get your foot in the door if you come across with an unprofessional or negative attitude. Remember: You’re selling yourself as much as you’re trying to get something from other people. Make sure you’re selling something they would want to buy! 11. Not Knowing How to Work a Room. Men and women with contacts and power meet many people; they remember only those who stand out from the crowd. If you “just aren’t very social” or if it “just isn’t in your personality,” then be someone else for the networking event. Be assertive and act like a leader you admire. How would [your hero] handle this situation? You want to communicate self-assurance and confidence. Don’t let your introverted preferences get in the way of building the network or career you truly want. The good news is that networking is an art that can be learned. The news you probably don’t want to hear is that in today’s communication-driven world, just about everybody has to do it. So there’s no sense trying to avoid it or hide. 12. Not Asking Follow Up Questions. If you’re networking for a job opportunity and someone says, “I wish I could help you but I don’t know of any openings right now,” take a minute or two to ask some followup questions: “What’s the outlook for the future? Do you know anyone else in the industry that might have something? Any thoughts on what my next step should be? Who would you contact if you were in my shoes?” Follow-up shows true interest on your part and may help the person you’re networking with come up with ideas he might otherwise overlook. 13. Lying. Would you ever recommend someone to a friend who you knew stretched the truth? A wise man once said, “Always tell the truth, that way you won’t ever have to remember what you said!” Always tell the truth and don’t fall for the “truth has different meanings to different people” hogwash. Its tempting to say, So-and-So gave me your name and told me to call. It might even get you a meeting. But eventually Such-and-Such will learn that So-and-So did not tell you to call. And youll have burned not one, but two, bridges. Building relationships is all about building trust. If you have a trust issue with someone, when it comes time to make an important business decision you will hesitate. You don’t want someone to hesitate when it comes to you. 14. Not Following-Up. You’ve gone through all the trouble to make a contact â€" why let it go to waste? You need to follow up after every meeting or job interview to reiterate your interest and to ensure you remain at the very front of the person’s mind. Remember â€" people are busy and you probably aren’t their number one priority. But they are your number one priority, right? Make sure they know it. Always thank a contact for their time and advice, either in a handwritten note or a follow-up email. Follow up every conversation with a thank-you note, email or call. Let your contact know whether his suggestions panned out or not. You may think your networking is over, but your paths may cross again. And don’t be afraid to get back in touch with someone. Send them an article or notice of an event that might interest them. Keep in touch through social networking media or drop them an occasional friendly email telling them how you are getting on. Remember, what goes around comes around. Follow up with contacts that helped you. Keep them up-to-date about what company you are now working for if you secured a new job or whether the information or leads they provided you were helpful. This will help you to maintain the person as a contact in your network â€" and allow you to return the favor when theyre in need down the road. 15. Not Tying Up Loose Ends. Too often when people in your network provide a helping hand that gives you the opening you need to achieve your goal you think, “it’s finally over.” Not quite. After any business meeting you should document what actions were committed to, particularly yours. In most cases, sending a note regarding your commitments will make you look professional and competent. You will probably need those people again at some point in the future. Write them a thank-you note for their help and let them know what you ended up doing. And you cannot just do this for the person or people who helped you find a job or a client. Do it for everyone who helped or offered to. 16. Not Paying It Forward. Networking is a two way street. If you’re reaching out to your contacts every time you need a something â€" a job, a sales lead, a favor â€" without ever giving back, people will stop being so willing to help. And rightly so. A good networker is ready and willing to help their contacts whenever they can. Did you meet someone who you know would be a great contact for your colleague? Introduce them! Know of a job lead that might be perfect for your contact’s unemployed son? Hook him up! If your network sees you as a resource, they’ll be more inclined to nurture and maintain this mutually beneficial relationship. With these tools in hand and knowing what not to do, you should be able to network with purpose, add value to your network of contacts and become outstanding at the art and skills of networking! About the Author:   Jim Dryburgh is President and Founder of The Balanced WorkLife Company.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What Are the Benefits of Graduate Trainee Programmes

What Are the Benefits of Graduate Trainee Programmes Finding a good graduate training programme can get your career off to a flying start.  Graduate recruitment programmes are becoming increasingly popular across a variety of industries. Previously, this post-degree job opportunity was most commonly associated with the financial industry and big multi-national organisations. Now, a wider variety of businesses, including many SMEs, are offering graduate training to attract high calibre, ambitious young professionals into their organisation. But why should university leavers consider applying for these types of roles? And, with the number of schemes increasing, how can you spot a good programme to apply for? Supported transition from university to the workplace You may already have plenty of work experience, whether it’s from part-time jobs or work placements completed as part of your degree. That doesn’t stop it feeling a little daunting to go from being a full time student to a full time employee. Good graduate training programmes are specifically designed for university leavers and are structured to help provide valuable support and skills needed to build your confidence in the workplace. Help to decide your chosen career path It’s not unusual to be unsure about what career path you would like to take. Many graduate training programmes don’t specify the nature of the degree required because so many of the skills learnt at university are transferable. Looking at graduate training jobs, and the career progression opportunities they set out, can really help you to narrow down your areas of interest. You may even find something which you had never considered before. Many schemes also provide the opportunity to work across several different areas of the business, so you can really discover where your particular skills fit. Continued professional development Graduate training programmes often provide the opportunity to study for further professional qualifications through on the job training. This means you not only get the chance to put the skills you’ve already learnt through your degree into practice, you can also develop and channel them with further qualifications to suit the particular career path you have chosen. How to spot a good graduate training programme It’s really worth spending time and effort when researching potential graduate schemes available. The opportunities with the big named companies may be the first to come up on an internet search but the bulk of graduate vacancies are now within SMEs. Research also shows that smaller companies tend to attract fewer applications, so although it is still likely to be very competitive, your chances of securing the role could be increased. The graduate schemes offered by SMEs are just as valuable and can some cases can provide even more development opportunities. Working in a smaller environment often provides the chance to gain more experience and to be given more responsibility. When searching for potential roles, look out for clues that it is an organisation you would genuinely like to work for, and one which is going to provide the support you would hope to find in a dedicated graduate programme. Clear development plan A good graduate programme will provide clear progression opportunities through ongoing training and the chance to get involved with a variety of different projects. It should clearly state if there is a permanent job opportunity at the end of the programme for those who have shown the right skills and aptitude, and demonstrate the path you will need to take to secure this specific job role. Long term support Organisations should be committed to supporting graduate trainees to achieve their goals and to build a long term career with them. Look for roles which clearly state the support you will be given throughout, from regular meetings through to a dedicated mentor. Award winning companies Research shows that many graduates are drawn to a company because of its culture just as much as the career opportunity itself. People want to work where they will be happy, supported, rewarded and motivated. A good way to gauge what a company may be like to work for is to look for any accolades which show they have a proven commitment to their staff, such as Investors in People or Best Employer awards. When it comes to applying for a graduate recruitment programme, make sure you spend time creating an application dedicated to that role. If you are lucky enough to have found several opportunities you are interested in, resist the temptation to speed up the process by copying and pasting information across. Investing time and effort in tailoring your application will increase your chances of being selected for an interview.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Own and Plan Your Career for Your Own Sake - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Own and Plan Your Career for Your Own Sake - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Many people expect that their companies plan their careers for them and everything is set and clear. However, in today’s environment, this is not the case anymore. You should watch your back and plan your own career. If not, then, no one else would do it for you. During job interviews, many people ask if the company has a career path. They ask this because they assume that a career path is an automated process and is the same for everyone. For example, you start an analyst position and work for two years and you get promoted to a senior analyst. Afterwards, you work for three years as a senior analyst and you get promoted to a manager. Unfortunately, a career path doesn’t work like this. There may be levels for this path but certainly, it is not going to be the same for everyone. What people forget is that organizational charts in companies are like pyramids. There are hundreds and sometimes thousands of employees at the bottom but only one at the top. Therefore, not everyone will be able to promote to the top. It is certainly great to work at an employer where there is a career path but you are responsible to climb this path. Your employer is not required to promote you every couple of years. If you plan your career and work towards your goal and show your employer how determined you are, there is no reason why you cannot get promoted. However, the key is always being enthusiastic on what you do. If you don’t like what you are doing right now, you won’t be able to put all of your energy into it since you don’t enjoy it. Therefore, you won’t be able to get promoted. First, you should find your true passion in order to become successful in your career. Second, you should keep developing your skills. This will help you stand out among your peers as well as be more marketable if you need to change your job. Especially, try to learn the skills which are currently hot in the market and can be translated into other departments or even other industries. This way, when you find yourself in an unexpected situation such as a layoff or company downsizing due to recession, it will be much easier for you to find a new position compared to someone else who can only do the same type of job.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Career You Desire is Only 4 Steps Away

The Career You Desire is Only 4 Steps Away When it comes to applying for jobs and hunting for the perfect career, you need to take your time. If you can follow these points and use them to your advantage, you will be able to work toward the career you want. Have a look at the ideas on this post, and try to use them to your advantage. The career you desire is only a few small steps away.1. Meet With a Career CounselorA lot of people don’t think career counselors can help them, but this isn’t true. A lot of the time you just need a bit of direction. You may need to know what the options are for you. And, you have to ensure that you get some advice about the best way to proceed. And this is where a guidance counselor can come in really useful. You should not overlook this as an option when you’re trying to work toward the career you desire.eval2. Get More QualifiedGiving yourself every opportunity for success is crucial, and a great way of doing that is to become more qualified. This might mean going back into education to get some qualifications. Or, you may decide to look at getting extra training for the job you want to go for. If you read this from Simplilearn, you will find out a bit more about the process. It’s really important to get training and qualifications that will help you improve your prospects. This is something you have to think about doing as soon as you possibly can.3. Know The JobIt’s also important that you know the job inside out. It might surprise you to know just how many people don’t research the careers they’re interested in. The more you can figure out about the career that interests you, the better prepared you are to succeed. There are so many things you have to look into when it comes to your career choice. If you can demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the job, this is going to put you at an advantage. So, make sure you take the time to research and figure out exactly what is involved in the job you want.4. Make Yourself a ‘Must-Have’ CandidateYou need to m ake yourself the prime candidate for the role. It’s important to improve your professional image and put yourself ahead of the pack. By working on your experience, boosting your resume, and your image, you make people take notice. It’s important to ensure you give the best possible first impression. You’ve got to make your presence felt on paper as well as in person. You need to make it so that when you leave the room the employers will not forget you. Becoming a ‘must-have’ candidate is crucial for improving your career prospects.evalApplying for the career of your dreams is something you need to make sure you focus on. There are so many things you’ve got to think about. Choosing the career path you want to take is crucial. And, you also need clarity and dedication to help you achieve this too.